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And the data to prove it.

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Our Philosophy

“Data without insights is just noise.”

Free analytics tools provide a postcard, not a road map. Seeing why isn’t good enough. Knowing how makes all the difference.

Our philosophy is to employ data-informed decision making and planning at the outset, to ensure transparent, data-backed results.

What We Do

Our Solutions

Data-Driven Everything.

You’ve probably been swindled before, by an SEO “guru” peddling bottles of snake oil and a top hat loaded with unfulfilled promises. No charlatans here. We’ve got both the backend and frontend chops to drive rankings higher.
Track your online advertising investment with metrics that matter. Traditional agencies measure impressions and clicks – OCT goes a step further to evaluate the real impact on revenue and your company’s bottom line.
A quality sales lead is a terrible thing to waste. Optimize your email strategy to achieve “no leads left behind.” Leverage technology and practicality to keep fans of your brand coming back for more.
Transform data into strategy by asking the right questions and digging deeper to uncover actionable results. Stop staring at the same shallow dashboard and start following the metrics that drive your business.

Our People

What makes the desert so beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well. We take pride in helping to find it.
Interstellar Navigator
Brian Barrett
Game Planner. Analyzer. Collaborator.
Outer Space Star
Darika Alexander
Making Clients Look Like Astronauts
Tech Boosters
Brian Alexander
Smart Tech Solutions Made Easy
Other Worldly
Sean Dreilinger
Transforming Average into Amazing
Space Legend
Jack Abbott
Blueprinting the Future

Sweet Success

What does success look like?

The highly competitive Texas market was no match for our data-backed strategy.

If you know the right questions to ask, data always has a story to tell. We dig deep to find the answers you need to inform critical decisions, track performance, and optimize end results.

The data is in the details.

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The Blog

How we see it.

Don’t miss these posts

June 14 2024

FAQs for Conducting an SEO Audit for New Homes Construction Companies

Question: What is an SEO audit, and why is it important for home construction companies? Answer: An SEO audit evaluates your website’s performance in search engines. It identifies areas for improvement to enhance visibility and attract more clients, which is crucial for home construction companies looking to boost their online presence. Question: How does technical […]

June 14 2024

FAQs for Paid Advertising Campaigns for New Home Builders

Question: How can Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising assist me in selling new homes? Answer: PPC advertising enables you to target potential homebuyers who are actively searching for properties. By placing ads that appear when users search for specific keywords, you can attract targeted traffic to your site, generate leads, and increase home sales. Question: What are […]

June 14 2024

PPC Campaigns for New Home Builders

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is an effective way for new home builders to generate leads and drive sales. Here’s how to create successful PPC campaigns tailored to the home construction industry, incorporating AI tools to enhance your efforts. Keyword Research Example: High-Intent Keywords Keyword research is the foundation of a successful PPC campaign. Identify high-intent keywords […]

See what sound digital strategy and data-backed decision making can do for your business.

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